Tolling Diversion and Other Impacts at Joint West Linn and Oregon City Council meeting on Tuesday the 17th
CALL TO ACTION for all of the No Toll Army
and those that support IP-4, the Vote Before Tolls initiative
Join us to show a wave of support for IP-4 for the right to Vote Before Tolls, and if you are so inclined – and most of you are, No on Tolling.
- Sign up to make a Public Comment or just sit/stand in the audience to show support.
- DRIVE THRU IP-4 SIGNING in front of City Hall from 5:30-6PM
Joint Meeting of West Linn & Oregon City Councils
- Their goal: Develop a joint statement on Diversion & Other Tolling Impacts
- Location: West Linn City Hall … 22500 Salamo Rd, West Linn 97068 (This is not a virtual meeting)
- 6-8pm, Tuesday January 17th (Public comments and tolling are first on the agenda – stay as long as you can)
- 5:30 – 6 pm Drive -thru signature gathering in front of City Hall
We will also be collecting your IP-4 Vote Before Tolls signature sheets outside the meeting and handing out blanks sheets for you to gather more signatures!
We need to make a big showing … we’ve invited the Media and they need to see that our grassroots movement to put tolling decisions into the citizen’s hands is real and active.
We’re hoping you will spend a few minutes over the next few days you will gather at least one, but hopefully two, three, or five sheets of signatures. Our goal is 500 signatures gathered through this event!
Some common questions about the Vote Before tolls initiative:
- IP-4 is retroactive so its absolutely not too late to impact the I-205 & I-5 tolls.
- We need to gather 200,000 signatures by June 2024 to get on the 2024 ballot
- You must be a registered Oregon voter and can only sign once
- The current Abernethy Bridge construction is not related to the tolling project.
- Tolling could be $6 each way to drive I-205 from 99E to Stafford road
- Tolling is not just an I-205 or I-5 issue .. the entire state could see tolling
Some common questions about the Vote Before tolls initiative:
ODOT has publicly stated their intentions to add two new taxing/funding sources … Tolls and a Road Use Charge where we all pay by the mile for ALL of our driving

IP-4, Vote Before Tolls, addresses the new tolling leg that charges drivers exorbitant amounts in very specific areas.
Donate and get $100 back*
That means you essentially donate for FREE!
* Contributions to the Vote Before Tolls Committee are eligible for a dollar-for-dollar tax credit. The first $100 of an Oregon family’s contribution ($50 for individual contributions) will be given back to you as a direct 100% dollar-for-dollar credit on your 2023 taxes!
© 2023 Vote Before Tolls Committee