Last Call – ODOT “Scoping” Comments Due Friday 1/6

Every email counts … just 60 seconds of your time could save you hundreds or thousands of dollars a year by impacting ODOT planning process.

ODOT is just finishing up their Scoping Comment submission period. The deadline is tomorrow, Friday the 6th.
We apologize for this short notice – our email list provider took Vote Before Tolls sending offline over the holiday break and delayed this reminder.

In November, ODOT began the federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process by identifying the project’s potential benefits and negative impacts. The start of the process is called “scoping,” a comment period to solicit input on the range or scope of community and environmental issues to study.

Please send your comments on tolling to this address: [email protected] We will get a copy of your comment for de-identified analysis (in case ODOT decides to de-prioritize your comments) and our server will immediately forward the email to ODOT.
If you wish to send directly to ODOT, please use this address: [email protected]
Please include “Scoping comments” in the subject line.

It’s OK to say you oppose or support tolling … but what is most important is if you briefly explain why … perhaps emphasize one or more of the following: efficacy of reducing congestion, diversion (traffic to side streets, safety, congestion), environmental impact from idling side street vehicles, toll prices, sun-setting of tolls, use of funds, tolling overhead, no free hours, no free lanes, why only 1 small but expensive section of I-205 to start, toll tags let ODOT track your vehicle’s travel history and speed, etc.

© 2023 Vote Before Tolls Committee