After many conversations and public feedback over the past two weeks, we’ve modified the initiative petition to be broader, simpler, and more clear to cover all tolling statewide – not just ODOT’s current I-205 and I-5 tolling plan.
But we need your help. To schedule a review by the Oregon State Legislative Counsel (the folks who write our laws full time) in preparation for formal filing, we need 50 citizens to formally support our request.
update … SUCCESS – we received over 50- responses and have submitted the petition for review. We will keep you posted on our progress.
I support citizen votes for all tolls and fee/tax increases. Tolling proposed for I 205 includes funding additional lanes, yet nearly every study conducted on this issue proves that adding lanes does nothing to relieve congestion. In fact, in some cases, it makes it worse. Tolling, especially for lane additions, is not the answer for our highway improvements.
Please be sure to click the link in the post above. We have to attach your email responses to our submission to the OR state Legislative Counsel. They aren’t looking at responses here.
address snipped for privacy Milwaukie, OR
address snipped for privacy Gladstone, OR
address snipped for privacy Salem, OR
address snipped for privacy … Salem, OR
address snipped for privacy … Portland, OR
address snipped for privacy … Portland, OR
address snipped for privacy … Aurora, OR
add my name to list for petition.
When will enough be enough for our state representatives and ODOT.
Tolls should be voter approved or not implemented at all!
That’s what our new initiative will require … voter approval!
I strongly oppose any and all tolling of roads within the state of Oregon. The citizens do not need the addition financial hardship to pay fees any roads, freeways, highways that have and are being maintain with the aid of Oregonians’ tax dollars.
With many of our state’s citizens struggling financially, a fragile economy, and an economic recovery which has no end is sight…. NOW is not the time tax those using our county, state, and federal roads that use them to commute to and from work.
Tolling will NOT solve the issues at hand, but only line the coffers of the State for other projects which cannot be funded otherwise.
When and where can we sign this petition? Definitely have my vote.
click the link on the home page to download and print the petition … or watch here for signing events